La Cuenca del Río Conchos: Una mirada desde las Ciencias antes del Cambio Climático - page 33

La cuenca del río Conchos:
una mirada desde las ciencias ante el cambio climático
Beginning in February 2014, U.S. and Mexican partners began
production of a web-based climate summary, with forecasts and
information specific to the Rio Grande and Rio Bravo basins,
including all Mexican and U.S. border states, and key tributary
basins, such as the r
o Conchos. This product was aimed to fill a
gap in systematic information exchange between México and the
U.S., and to provide information that would be useful to prepare
for drought and other extreme events—information that was
lacking during the onset of the severe regional drought in 2011.
The summary, called the Rio Grande|Bravo Climate Impacts and
Outlook (Río Grande|Bravo Impactos Climáticos y Perspectivas),
was initially issued every three months; in December, 2015, the
partners agreed to issue the summary each month. The summary
contains a reviewof theprevious season’s temperature, precipitation,
drought status, and weather-related impacts, and forecasts of
precipitation, temperature, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
status, and fire potential (Figure 2). A survey, conducted in 2014,
showed that readers of the summary were interested in topics
such as drought (including drought forecasting), water supply,
and effects of climate change (Shafer and Garfin, 2014). Survey
respondents mentioned that they would also like brief informative
articles on climate topics, and on decision-support processes and
tools; this information has been added to the monthly summary.
The production team is in the process of adding new partners,
to highlight forecasts and information aimed at agricultural and
public health stakeholders.
. The strategic goal of the RGB Pilot impacts initiative is to
enhance the identification, reporting, and analysis of environmental
and economic impacts of drought at regional scales. Impacts
relates directly to the Global Framework for Climate Services
(GFCS) user interface platform (WMO, 2014), and encompasses
process-based activities, with a stronger stakeholder engagement
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