La Cuenca del Río Conchos: Una mirada desde las Ciencias antes del Cambio Climático - page 29

La cuenca del río Conchos:
una mirada desde las ciencias ante el cambio climático
Center (CPC). In recent years, new partners have joined the Pilot,
including Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua (IMTA),
Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC), the
New Mexico Office of the State Climatologist (New Mexico State
University), the Southern Regional Climate Center, and the Texas
Office of the State Climatologist (Texas A&M University). To
maintain communication and the flow of ideas, the RGB Pilot
partners communicate through seasonal teleconferences, through
climate outlook forums sponsored by SMN, twice annually, and
through forums of the North American Drought Monitor (e.g.,
et al.,
, 2017).
A Closer Look at the NACSP RGB Pilot
Stakeholder engagement forms the foundation of the NACSP RGB
Pilot. Pilot partners use eight principles to guide interactions
among service providers and stakeholders, including: (1)
understanding the audience for climate services; (2) ensuring
two-way dialogue between stakeholders and service providers, to
promote mutual learning; (3) acknowledging the limitations of
partners; (4) using a diversity of approaches for involving the end
users of climate services in partnership activities; (5) garnering
systematic feedback to improve the services and service process;
(6) sustaining stakeholder engagement; (7) improving the capacity
of stakeholders to make use of existing products, along with
improving the effectiveness of existing products and processes;
and (8) acknowledging the unique challenges and opportunities
presented by multilateral collaborations. The aforementioned are
consistent with principles and practices put forth in the Global
Framework for Climate Services (WMO, 2014) and climate
service research (e.g., Jacobs
et al.,
, 2005; Feldman and Ingram,
2009; Dilling and Lemos, 2011; Brooks, 2013).
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